Boost Your Manufacturing Sales Using Social Media Tips For 2018

Marketing trends to use social media as a requirement instead of it being optional, despite the constant changing and improvement of this social world. Each year holds a new strategy different from the year before. This is why companies should stay up-to-date and succeed in today’s rapidly changing world. Manufacturers may underestimate the effective use of social media marketing, while social media can have a considerable positive influence on customer relations. When most of the manufacturers use the right strategy and the right audience to target, both of the bottom line and brand will certainly have a positive impact as well. This year holds many social media tips that will boost your sales and garner new leads. There are some quick boosts you can apply today to help drive sales.

1.Sharing useful content

Every industry has an audience that is interested in finding valuable content more than looking at a place of selling products only. Social media can be a great tool to educate your audience and facilitate their lives. All your social media accounts should contain posts about your business in a frequent and a relevant way.  Certainly, the content should be tailored to each channel. Through your website, it is beneficial that you add some case studies that get the job done quite. It provides to customers social proof and immediate credibility to your service.

You can share the manufacturing process and products in action. The audience is often curious to know what is behind the scenes. You can create a video that represents your business from different perspectives which may attract more public as the video below;

Oris behind the scene – Manufacturing watches

A broad view of the wave trends of videos can clearly determine the importance of social media. The video marketing strategy is used among different social media such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram. Through live videos, a longer lasting engagement is created. People tend to watch a live video in the real-time which will retain more their attention.

Moreover, the use of the ephemeral content is one of the new tips that will boost your business this year. The use of social platform features such as Instagram and Facebook stories are an idea of a limited time content which mostly lends to authenticity and trust because of its raw nature.

One tip to benefit from the last strategy is to integrate the completed live videos to Search-engine optimization. Furthermore, Google indexes Facebook videos and these videos can be picked by Google bots if you add a summary; in this case, you should add a short summary under the video to target high-volume keywords.

2.Setting up Google alerts


Google Alerts is a notification service that allows you to stay up to date on the latest industry information on the web. This method is a great tool to collect information about your own business and to see if the audience is talking about you and what they are saying. It is also a source to find out certain products and particular industry subjects. By using Google alerts you can stay ahead of competitors and keep an eye on the particular news.

For this reason, you should set up a Google alert through this link, Create an Alert

3. Endorsement

An endorsement is one of the ways that generally companies use to promote their brands through others. Through social media, you will find well-known personalities that are ready to endorse your business service or products. It`s a way to build brand awareness and boost sales at a prodigious pace. Even though celebrities can make customers believe more the service and products, some individuals with smaller, yet notable followers can bring more success to the company. The audience is attracted by the fame of certain individuals which attract relevant consumers despite the fact of being a lesser known influencer. Thus, the budget for advertising through these individuals will be less than the expected.

Ultimately, deciding where to invest your time and money in order to boost your sales can be hard enough without experimental tips. It is very important for companies to ensure that they can put the message across to potential customers in a clear-cut and attractive manner. Even if you are starting small try to employ methods that are most aligned with the current strategies and tips.

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