The new facebook’s LIKE button
Facebook launches a new “like” button. What is the different between the old and the new button ? As you can see in the photo, the news button doesn’t include the “f” of the Facebook logo. Sure this changement will appear outside facebook’s website. You will notice it on a blog, where you want to “like” or “share” the content.
So, for a normale user, this is maybe a very tiny modification, but you will not believe that this tiny modification, increase 6% the total number of likes.
The most famous social company on the planet, confirms that increasing of number of likes. With this small changement, facebook’s site got more engagements and activities from outside tools (the tools that we find outside facebook site). The announcements was not dedicated just for the redesigning. They include also new Google Chrome extension, like “Share to Facebook”, a fresh plug-in to give users new ways to share the contents.

A second extension was dedicated to Chrome, it called “Save to Facebook”. This plugin will give you the way to bookmark a link, but this link will be saved automatically inside facebook website, under “Saved” section. The company took care of publisher, by announcing that share, like, and comments options, will be available for instant Articles. This is mean that publishers will be able to poste their full pieces of content directly on facebook’s site.
Now we should ask a question: Why facebook launches all these modifications NOW?
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