5 Ways To Prepare Your Business for the Holiday Season

The holiday season is upon us and its time to start preparing for it By being organized, owners and their families increase their chances for a happy holiday season — and a happy and prosperous new year.  begin from here and follow our tips to have a successful business during the  holiday season.

1-Have a good marketing strategy

Marketing is key to holiday sales success, so lay out a detailed marketing plan for the period from now through January 1. This should include your strategy for deals and discounts, how you will reach out to customers and prospects (e.g. email, direct mail, social media, traditional advertising, etc.), your marketing budget, how you will reward loyal customers and what marketing you will do each day.


2-Make sure that your website is ready

If you run an e-commerce site: Update your security software if needed and display security credentials on all pages of your website. Test your checkout process to make sure it is simple to follow and works properly. Clearly state shipping costs and deadlines (for guaranteed holiday delivery) at the top of your home page. Make sure your search function works well. Place customer service contact information where it’s easy to find.


3- Promote special offers and news on social media and E-newsletter

With the presence of Black Friday and Cyber Monday comes discounts and sales. It’s a great time to entice your existing customer base with discounted products and services. So of course it is a good marketing tool! Use this to your advantage by sending targeted incentives (such as coupons and exclusive deals) to a preferred customer list. While promoting the business, it may be a good idea to inform your clients of any pre-holiday promotions.

4-Renforce your content

When it comes to any content, make sure that you are using your content to inform them but at the same time tie it into the holidays. Reinforce your new content by sending out email campaigns. Just remember that engagement is key, so engage get them excited about the impending holiday.

5-Be ready for post-holiday period

The days between Christmas and New Year’s can be almost as profitable as the holiday shopping season. Create a strategy for handling returns in a streamlined fashion, which should include a strategy for encouraging customers making returns to buy something else from you. If you don’t already do so, consider selling gift cards for your site or store as holiday gifts. This can really ramp up your post-holiday sales.

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