Can My Business Survive Without SEO? A Complete Guide For The First-Time Entrepreneur
Can my business survive without SEO is usually the dilemma each first-time founder struggling with, the entrepreneur usually don’t want to add another “unnecessary” expenses to his/her website and the first thing that comes to mind is to neglect SEO, here, we will tell you exactly whether is it a wise decision or a hasty one.
What Is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is the process of enhancing the visibility of a certain website or webpage in search engines to improve the overall quality and quantity of that website’s traffic.
How Does SEO Works?

Although the exact technique of how SEO works might always be a hot argumentative topic, and the process might certainly differ from time to time, still, the core idea of how SEO works will always be the same.
1. Form a list of random keywords (it will be helpful to try something people frequently search about).
2. Go see Google’s first result page for those keywords (to analyze the competitors).
3. Make your own unique and inspiring content on those topics.
4. Add a hock and a unique title for your article.
5. Use your pre-defined keyword in multiple different places in the article.
6. Use the help of the handful of free or premium WordPress SEO plugins (we recommend using Yoast SEO) to guide you on where and how to use your keyword.
7. Build backlinks to your website (it will help to rank you higher).
8. Wrap up your content and make it look in the best possible way.
9. Update the SEO-active version of your content (and that’s it, your site is now get ranked higher!).
Can My Business Survive Without SEO? You Might Not Like The Answer

If you want the simple answer then NO! it’s hard to even think about scaling up your business without enhancing your website’s SEO. SEO is essential for online success especially for the early-stage businesses hoping to gain some more attention.
Why SEO Is Essential For Digital-Medium Success?

It would be hard (and time-consuming) to list all the benefits of using search engine optimization on your website but we will try to mention the most effective ways SEO enhances your business’s growth
A considerable volume of traffic
There is no surprise that this is the major benefit you will gain from using SEO. The hard-time finding a consistent customer base is why most small and medium-sized businesses give up. Not only that SEO will guarantee you a whole new load of traffic, but, it will also help you to choose what type of customers you want to draw attention to.
Can Work As An Analytical Tool
The large variety of people using SEO globally makes it the most suitable traffic-analyzing tool out there. SEO will help you know more about your website and its visitors, it will give you a clear knowledge about each click occurs in your webpage by who, when, and where.
SEO Keyword Planner
Not only that it helps you rank higher, but, SEO can also help you in knowing what keywords or phrases are trending currently, this will ease your job in gaining the attention you need to scale up the business.
Wrapping Up
It’s kind of a little unexpected to see people asking “can my business survive without SEO? ” given that the concept of search engine optimization was introduced in 1997 and since then it’s been used by millions of website owners globally to move their digital institutions to the next level, a higher, and more profitable level.